Snapied Embeddable, White Label Graphic Design Tool

Integrate a white label photo editor into your website- Snapied
Design editor

Snapied’s design editor is embeddable. You have a website and you want to be able to design graphics everywhere. You need a graphic design editor that is white label, so it can be embedded into your website or platform

Getting started

To open the embed Snapied configurations page click on “Embed Snapied 🎁” present in the avatar menu.

Step 1: Click on Embed Snapied

It will open the profile settings page, click on “Generate & Save API Key”.

Step 2: Generate & Save API Key

ℹ️ Regenerate your API keys periodically. You can regenerate the API key by clicking on the pointed button. Then, update your applications to use the newly-generated keys. Your old API Key will expired immediately.

This will generate 4 lines of code:

Step 3: Copy the generated code and use

Sample code

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/><snapied-embeddable-editor x-api-key="54c3f75e-88bb-460d-b7d2-9a3ec3" x-workspace-key="F2C62C" x-user-id="619"></snapied-embeddable-editor><script src="" defer /></script>


x-api-keyAn API key is a token that a client provides when making API calls.
The API key should be along with the <snapied-embeddable-editor> tag.
If you don’t provide it all APIs calls will fail to serve.
x-workspace-keyEach workspace can be designed for a specific purpose and
can contain its own assets, designs, and team members.
x-workspace-key uniquely identifies the workspace.
x-user-idAn id that uniquely identifies the user creates a workspace.
If not provided it takes the logged-in user (account for which the API key is generated).

UI Explanation

1: In use at

We obtain the website name where you embed the code for the first time. If you need to do this generate another API key and reconfigure the editor. HTTP:// is the localhost of our development server.

In use at: We obtain the website name where you embed the code for the first time. That means generated code can't be used on more than one website at a time. If you need to do this generate another API key and reconfigure the editor. HTTP:// is the localhost our development server.
Snapied: code in use at ://

2: Configure

Click on the “Configure” button to customize the editor.

3: Authorized websites (Most important step)

Lists all domains authorized to execute to open the Snapied editor. Technically, it’s the website referer. Make sure the referrers, you mention are correct. You can separate multiple URLs by comma, semi-colon, or enter.

Note: Prefix with http or https, Separate multiples by a new line, comma(,) or semi-colon(;). Adding / at the end is required.


List of allowed domains or website referrers

4: Default Settings

Field 1: All the created designs will be saved in the selected workspace. By default, it’s the first workspace in the list, but you can change it.

Field 2: The default canvas size. In the above image the we are setting twitter post (1600px X 900px) as the default canvas size.

5: Skinning

5.1: Hide the help icon

Hides the help control in the embedded editor

5.2: Hide Keyboard Shortcuts

Hides keyboard shortcut control from the embedded editor

5.3: Hide autosave indicator

Hides the cloud icon, which indicates the design is saving

5.4: Hide design name

Hides input field for updating the design file name. The default name is “untitled”.

5.5: Left nav color

Changes the background color of left-most navigation bar

5.6: Footer color

Changes the background color of the footer bar.

5.7: Header Color

Changes the background color of top-most navigation bar or header.

5.8: Canvas Color

Changes the background color of the canvas.

6: Manage Controls

6.1: Hide Templates

Hide the templates tab from the left navigation bar.

6.2: Hide Illustrations

Hide the illustrations tab by default

6.3: Hide Elements

Hide the elements tab by default

6.4: Hide Icons

Hide the icons tab by default

6.5: Hide Quotes

Hide the quotes tab by default

6.6: Hide Brandings

Hide the brandings tab by default

6.7: Hide Palettes

Hide the palettes tab by default

6.8: Hide Backgrounds

Hide the backgrounds tab by default

6.9: Hide My Files

Hide my files tab by default

6.10: Hide Grids

Hide the grid button from the footer bar.

6.11: Hide Resize

Hide the magic resize button from the footer toolbar, By hiding this users won’t be able to resize the design from one size to another size.

6.12: Hide Layers

Hide the layers button from the page right corner.

6.13: Hide Multiple Page

Hide the multiple pages button from the page right corner.

6.14: Hide Remove Bg

Hide remove bg button by default

6.15: Hide Mockups

Hide the mockups tab from the left navigation bar by default.

6.16: Hide Texts

Hide the text tab from the left navigation bar by default.

6.17: Hide Images

Hide the images tab from the left navigation bar by default.

6.18: No load Templates by default

When the editor loads, we open the templates tab by default. Marking this option as checked will not load the template by default.

7: Downloads & Drawing Tools

This feature allows you to control the download and drawing tool behavior.

7.1: Hide Download

Hide the download button from the footer toolbar.

7.2: Hide SVG

Hides the download SVG option from the download menu

7.3: Hide Transparent

Hides the transparent menu item from the download menu button.

7.4: Hide WebP

Hides the webp download item from the download menu button.

7.5: Hide drawing tools

This option hides the drawing tool from the header bar.

7.6 Hide restriction badges.

By default in the embedded editor, we show the badges over download and bg remove buttons that show the bg remove credits and total designs downloaded.

If you check this option, in the embedded editor you won’t see the badges. But the user will get the popup when the limits exhaust.

8: AutoSave & Webhook

8.1: Button Name

By default the name is “Save” but you can rename it to anything you wish to make it.

8.2: Webhook URL

Webhook is helping you to send design submissions to your endpoint. You will be notified at the provided end-point with the below data:

	id: 1,
	name: "Design from snapied",
	platFormName: "twitter-post",
	previewImage: "",
	previewNormal: "",
	previewNormalJpeg: "",
	previewNormalWebp: "",
	subTemplateId: 0,
	userId: "x101"

Note: This will send the notification to the provided webhook along with the above data when the user clicks on it.

Final look after all the customizations we did

Important Link:

Help Desk:


Embed Demo:


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