Design editor

Controlling your design visibility

You have control over who can see your designs. If you’re looking to control your design visibility, Snapied has you covered. You can create a personal or team visibility, or set up your workplace visibility. With Snapied, you can keep your designs under control.
Snapied supports 3 levels of control visibilities:
1: Personal – only accessible to the user who created it
2: Team – accessible to all members in the current workspace
3: Workspace – All workspaces you own

Design editor

How to lock and unlock elements

Lock elements to avoid making unintentional changes to them while you edit other parts of your design:
Follow the steps to lock or unlock the design object(s):
Step 1: Create or open an existing design.
Step 2: To Lock: Click to select the element you want to lock. You can also hold Shift on your keyboard, and click on multiple elements to select them. Click the Lock icon on the toolbar above the editor. The element(s) will be locked then you can not move it.
Step 3: To Unlock: Click to select the locked element you want to unlock. Click Unlock icon on the toolbar above the editor. The element(s) will be unlocked then you can not move it.
⌘ + 2 => Lock selected object(s)
⌘ + 3 => Unlock selected object(s)